Saturday, February 28, 2009
What's is the point?
Of living...
Of moving...
Of working and working
And wearing yourself out?
What is the reason?
For love...
Of living for someone else,
Or being miserable because
The someone else isn't there.
Why do we do this thing called life?
For love?
For money?
For success?
Or because there is no other option...
None of these things will carry over pass the grave
So I ask again
What is the point?
Is there one?
Of course there is
I just haven't found it yet.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Weekend Debauchery...
$weat $hop at Red Lounge Friday, Feb. 27. 9 pm. No Cover.
Come out to Red Lounge Friday for the next $weat $hop! This is quickly becoming my favorite party thanks to the absence of “can you play something uptempo”, “Its my friends birthday”, and “Do you have Bob Sinclair” comments. Come out while Jackie and I hit you with the grimmiest electro, hip hop, bass and club that will ultimately justify any ignorant decision we may make that night.
The Liberation Dance Party is a dance night at the DC9 Nightclub every Friday.
Djs spin a mix of rock, electronic, hip-hop and music videos.The long running Liberation Dance Party is now doing open bar 9-10:30pm (rail cocktails only)
New indie rock + videos
Stay Loose!
DJs Ivaner & Areseven

SHIFT: at Cobalt/30 Degrees
Cobalt’s new alternative indie-electro dance night. Adolphson and Barrera talk about why SHIFT is making Cobalt better than ever—including a scheduled appearance by Ms. Mason 2009!
No cover before 11 p.m. / $5 after, 21+
Saturday, February 28
Doors 9 PM / Show 10 PM
TOWN Danceboutique
2009 8th Street NW
21 and over
Tickets: $8at the door (includes admission to TOWN after show)
Just a little Gay History for you

The house, located at 5020 Cathedral Avenue NW, is the first LGBT historic landmark in the city.
Kameny came to the District to work for the Army Map Service in the late 1950s, and was fired for being gay, sparking his career as an activist. He, along with Jack Nichols, founded the Mattachine Society of Washington in 1961 and worked to overturn sodomy laws. In 1971, he became the first openly gay man to run for Congress, and later founded the Gay Activist Alliance of Washington, now known as the Gay and Lesbian Activist Alliance. Kameny is also credited with helping to eliminate homosexuality as a mental illness from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in the 1970s. The Library of Congress archived some of Kameny's papers in late 2006, and the Smithsonian put some of his picket signs and buttons on display in 2007.
Study: LGBT students of color face more discrimination in school
According to a new study done reports that LGBT students of color face a greater amount of discrimination at school. A NEW STUDY?! really, they could have just asked me and I would have told them this is true!?!
The research paper: Shared Differences: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Students of Color in Our Nation’s Schools, was rele ased by GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. The report documents the experiences of over 2,000 LGBT middle and high school students of color who were African American or Black, Latino, Asian or Pacific Islander, Native American, and multiracial. []So for those of you have not heard of the term intersectionalities you really need to get on the 2.0 generation bus. Intersectionality refers to the multiple identities a person may claim as part of who they are. Personally I, for example, identify as a young, queer (gay), mexican american (Latino), raised middle class (now broke), progessive, college graduate. Now I am not one for labels and such but do to society's persistant need to place us all in boxes these are what I would choose. All of these identities intersex themselves within me and make up my intersectionalities. Now common sense would tell you that if i identify with more than one marginalized community that (obviously) I am going to face more discrimination that those that do not. As a person of color and a queer person I am going to face two different types of discrimination one based on the color of my skin and enthic background, and the other based on who I prefer to sleep with (which is really no one's business except mine... and my readers). Come on, its like 1+1=2. Now I am not sure how much time and money was put into this study, but if it was need to show straight people who need a "study" to prove it then fine. But really?? Well those are my two cents.
Here is the rest of the article.
Never fuck with a RENT lover
Earlier this month drama advisor Ron Martin complained that principal Fal Asrani ordered him to drop “Rent” because of its gay characters.
When Martin went public accusing Asrani of censorship the story was featured prominently in both the mainstream and gay media as well as in blogs.
The students’ production of “Rent” will go up in April. []
Never under estimate the power of a bunch of pissed off high school theater kids. If anyone knows how to cause a scene it is them. Believe me I know, I use to be one.
Friday's Musical Number
Man tries to pay Bill with a Spider drawing
Five of the BEST
My Intention

Well this morning I pulled this one.

Which I believe is so important nowadays. There is no reason that you should be extremely stressed out to the point of a breakdown. Now I know that life can get tough sometimes and it does seem like the world is going to come crumbling down on you head. But take a breathe, relax, center yourself. Know that tomorrow will come as every other day has and that you can only do your best, and as long as you do that then you have done all you could do.
Take care of yourselves... sometimes it is ok to put yourselves first. (Thanks Cassie)
Gay Word of the Day
Oh Dad... you're a funny one

So last night I was so exhausted that I as soon as I got home I hopped into bed to take a nap and then just didn't wake up until this morning. Well while I was asleep my dad sent me a text message (which is this new great thing he figured out how to do with his phone and prefers if over actually calling his son and hearing his voice).
But he texts "hey did you forget that you have a dad?" Because I haven't talked to him in like a week. oops.
Well I did not read until I woke up this morning. So I respond while on the bus on the way to work.
"Sorry this week has been kind of hectic. I got home yesterday and slept all night. How is everything?"
This is what I get back and will give you an idea of the relationship me and my father have. No "everythings fine how are you?" or "great. what's new with you?"
Nope, I get...
"Ok im getting ready to t-off i will text you back in 3 hour love you."
Thanks dad, love you too.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Gay Word of the Day
Need a little laugh... and a reality check....
you are sitting in a chair... IN THE SKY!!
Obama appoints gay man to Office of National AIDS Policy
Jeffrey S. Crowley, MPH, has been named Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy, the White House announced today. Crowley is currently Senior Research Scholar at Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute.Read more at
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Drinks tonight
$3 Margaritas, $3 Jager Shots, $5 Jager Bombs, $3 Miller lite all night.
Happy hour 5-8pm. $1 sodas, $2 rail cocktails, $3 pitchers. $ Cuervo Margaritas 9pm-close
See you there.
Online Broadway Musicals Radio Station
This radio station has been a life saver at work when I am having trouble getting through the day. I turn it one, plug my headphones in, and sing along in my head. It's great.

Gay Word of the Day
To some elderly men's defense they are not all rancid ;)
Wear White - March 5
We can all show our solidarity on March 5 by wearing white. This can be a wedding dress, sailor uniform, feather boa, all white leather, white tee, white knot, whatever you please.
Get more information on all the events, times, locations, and other important facts at and/or
Hilda Solis Confirmed as Labor Secretary

The last of President Obama’s Cabinet nominees pending before the Senate was confirmed Tuesday, as Labor Secretary. Hilda Solis won approval from 80 out of 97 voting senators. Labor groups have been aggressively pushing for Solis, and immediately applauded her confirmation.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Quote of the Day
The more time I had to wait the more time I had to think. And thinking is... (sigh)... is my worst enemyNow that makes you sound really smart ;)
- Rebecca Glasscock
Gay Man appointed as Obama's Dir. of Special Media
read more here
Drag Race... opinions and thoughts
I love, love, love Rebecca Glascock, Jade, Shannel and Bebe Zahara Benet really pulled it out in last weeks episode. Nina Flowers has great costumes and make up but I am kinda indifferent about her.
I do not really like Ongina (boy in a dress) and can't stand Akashia.
Now can the lip syncing elimnations be any more dramatic?!
This is the clip from episode 2 where Tammy Brown (I really liked her quirkiness), and Akashia (who I wish went home) battle it out to Kelly Rowland's Breaking the Dawn (which I kinda liked). But really Kelly did Akashia's performance really deserve your tears... I don't think so, but judge for yourself.
Now if a performance deserved some tears it was this one. The poor girls head piece falls off mid song. That is a Drag Queens worst nightmare, but Shannel is a classy broad and definitely pulled it off and sent Akashia home. Whitney's The Greatest Love of All is a great song too. Check it out.
The Palmer Reader
So the first time I came in contact with her was over a month ago when I was on my way to go get lunch. She was across the street sitting in a chair outside on the sidewalk. As I was walking I glance up and looked across the street. She had been looking at me because we made eye contact and she summonsed me over to her. I put my hand in the air gesturing that I was late getting somewhere then smile and went on my way.
The second time I crossed paths with her was the week of valentines before my trip to Santa Barbara. I was doing a bank run for the office and on my way back there she was sitting in her chair on the side walk again. This time I was on the same side of the sidewalk as she was. As I passed her (trying not to make eye contact) I couldn't help but look up and again made eye contact. She gestured toward me and said "come here, sit."
"I don't have any money, sorry. I left my wallet in the office." Which was true and so I tried to leave. Then she called to me, " that's ok... I feel something, sit."
So I do.
"I trust you. You bring it to me later. $5" (in her gypsy psychic voice).
This whole time I am thinking is she for real or is she just some old lady from like Brooklyn who when she I walk away really speaks with a New York accent. But I don't say anything and just nod.
"Let me see you palm." I give it to her.
"You want to know about your love life and your career" Right me and everyone else lady. Good job.
"You are done with all of these short relationships that don't last long, you want something more. You are ready for something real." uh..huh...
"You are interested in a woma... (before she even finishes the word woman she stops and corrects her self) a man." I am not giving you that one either because a one-eyed parrot could see my gay ass a mile away.
"Right" I say.
"I see two men. One is here and one is far away. Where is he?" I don't know you tell me isn't that your job. "Uhh..." I mutter.
"Where are you from?"
"Yes. That is it." Great I just gave her the answer.
"You will find the right one. He is coming. You will have a good valentines day. I will give you good luck for valentines day. Give me $100 and I will light you a candle for good luck this valentines day."
" Sorry lady, I do not have $100 to give you."
"Ok. How about $20" wow that dropped really quickly.
" I will see what I have in my wallet. Will you be here I have to go get it."
"Yes, yes. Come back here." So I leave.
I did end up returning to give her the money but she wasn't there anymore.
Anyways, I told myself that if anything did happen on Valentines day I would make sure to go back and pay her the $5. And to my surprise V-Day was not all that bad. It was actually quite enjoyable and there was a man or two in my life that night.
The third run in we had just happen earlier today as I was walking out of my office building on my way to the post office. I walked out the front doors and there she was passing by the front of my office. She made eye contact with me once again and smile. She waved me to her. "I know you. You were suppose to come back to me"
"I did," I explain, "but you were not there." So I took out my wallet and gave her the $5.
"Let me see you hand."
" I don't have anymore money."
"That's ok let me see it." I obeyed and took off my glove showing her my palm.
"You had a good valentines day didn't you?"
I smiled, "Yes."
"I told you. Where were you?"
"But you are still not with him, no?"
"I see a name. His name is Michael." She closed my hand and nodded her head and left.
Now what the hell am I suppose to do with that. His name is Michael. Great. Well where is he? When will I meet him?? IS HE CUTE?? come on!! Give me something?!?
Well I have a name. So if you know of any Michaels send them my way.
Till next time in the words of RuPaul "how you gonna love someone else until you learn to love yourself!" ... word.
Gay Word of the Day
JOY BOY (n.): A HUSTLER (q.v.).
I am guessing the female version of this word is Diva ;-) [thanks B]
Monday, February 23, 2009
I am NOT a WHORE... (no really)
QPOC students being insulted by TEACHERS?!?
You should read the article.
A weave is a girl's best friend...
I thought Ronald McDonald was a kind person...
Apparently back in August a McDonald's employee intervened in an altercation happening within his McDonalds in Little Rock, AR. A male stuck his female companion and the employee stepped in and dragged the guy outside. He was then shot multiple times and was rushed to a hospital. He has racked up a heft medical bill of around $300,000.
A representative of the administrator for McDonald's workers compensation plan explained that "we have denied this claim in its entirety as it is our opinion that Mr. Haskett's injuries did not arise out of or within the course and scope of his employment."Here is a local news segment on the event with a security video. For more on this read here.
Oh Dolly...
I think all people have a right to be who they are. We're all God's children and God should be the one to judge, not other people.
LGBT immigration Bill reintroduced to Congress
Rep. Jerrold Nadler reintroduced in the House Thursday the Uniting American Families Act, which would amend current immigration law to allow gay and lesbian Americans to sponsor their foreign-born partners for permanent residency on the same basis that straight citizens can sponsor spouses.
“The idea behind the bill is that it is wanton cruelty, gratuitous cruelty, to keep people who love each other apart,” Representative Nadler said on a press call with reporters.Go Rep. Nadler!! Thank you!!
read full story here
And the winner is...
"You homo loving sons of guns... "
You should see his speech if you haven't already... it's really good.
NOI's Progressive Movement Crash Course
You'll hear from organizers and activists across the spectrum about what they do, how they do it, and how they work with the rest of the movement.
Here are the details:
Progressive Movement Crash Course
AFL-CIO Headquarters
815 16th St NW
Washington, DC 20006 Google Map
Thursday, February 26th
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.